Youth Group
Our group is comprised of youth in grades 6-12 and all are welcome to join any youth group activity. Our normal meeting times are from 7 – 8:30 PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month in the Parish Life Center. During our regular meetings, we play games, participate in team-building activities, learn more about our Catholic faith, and hang out with friends. In addition to our regular meetings, the youth group helps with various church activities and participates in different things such as decorating the church grounds for Christmas, collecting food for the food pantry, presenting the Living Stations of the Cross each Lent just to name a few. Most of our members are active in one or more ministries in the church. While we have several adults who chaperone our activities, all our meetings and retreats are planned and run by our team of peer ministers. Our peer ministers are young people who have received confirmation as well as additional special training that allows them to effectively lead our youth group. We invite you to come and see what the OLG Youth Group is all about. Check us out on Facebook (OLG Youth Group) and on Instagram (OLGBHYouthGroup).
Q & A with the OLG Youth Group
Who is part of the OLG Youth Group?
Kids in grades 6-12 are welcome to join any youth group activity!
When does the youth group meet?
Our normal meeting times are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month.
Where does the youth group meet?
Our regular meetings are held in the Parish Life Center.
What do you do during youth group meetings?
During our regular meetings, the kids in youth group play games, participate in team-building activities, learn more about our Catholic faith, and hang out with friends.
Does the youth group do anything outside of the regular meetings?
Of course! The youth group helps with various church activities and participates in different things:
• Decorating the Church grounds for Christmas
• Collecting food for the homeless food pantry
• Presenting the Living Stations of the Cross each Lent
• Peer Ministry Training
• Participate in the diocesan Good Samaritan Project
We encourage all our members to be active members of the parish. Many of them assist with VBS, catechism, and various parish get-togethers and projects. Most of our members are active in one or more ministries, including the youth choir, altar serving, readers, and even Eucharistic Ministering!
Who is in charge?
While we have several adults who chaperone our activities, all our meetings and retreats are planned and run by our team of peer ministers. Our peer ministers are young people who have received confirmation as well as additional special training that allows them to effectively lead our youth group.
We invite you to come and see what the OLG Youth Group is all about. Check us out on Instagram: OLGBHYouthGroup.
You can also reach out on e-mail: [email protected]