Flea Market
Our Flea Market is one of two ongoing church fundraisers. The Flea Market is open on the first Saturday of the month from September through May from 8:00 – 1:00. There are 50 spaces to accommodate vendors at a cost of $15.00 per space and spaces can be reserved in advance. We set up outdoors and sell items donated by our parishioners. Volunteers place flyers around the neighborhood, move the donated items from the garage outdoors, unpack and display the items, and assist with sales. Other volunteers work in the Parish Life Center Canteen preparing and selling items from a light breakfast and lunch menu. You are welcome to join this great team of parishioners who work together to make this a worthwhile monetary contributor to our parish.
Gift Shop
We have a variety of religious items such as statues, holy cards, medals, and books for sale. If you do not see what you are looking for, please ask and we will try to order the item(s) for you. Please come in, introduce yourself, browse and chat with us. Our gift shop hours are: Saturday 3-3:45 PM, Sunday 9-12:30PM, and Wednesday 9:30-11AM.